Lewisburg Public Paddle
Renew (or build) your connection to the Susquehanna River with gear you can borrow through Lewisburg Public Paddle.

Lewisburg is a river town, we’re even a "River Town" according to the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership’s criteria, but we aren’t well connected to the river. The Lewisburg River Town Team is trying to fix that. To that end, we introduced the Lewisburg Public Paddle in 2018. This is a set of equipment sited at Lewisburg Landing (the park adjacent to and including the St George St boat ramp on S Front St) to facilitate public access to the river.

Thanks to generous support from the Charles and Betty Degenstein Foundation, the Lindig Lewisburg Foundation Fund, the First Community Foundation of Pennsylvania, Bucknell University’s Community Engagement Fund, the Community Learning Space, the Sea Tow Foundation, and the Borough, Lewisburg Neighborhoods has been developing Lewisburg Landing as a public amenity and park. It includes some basics like signage and seating, plus there is also now a boat rack (a repurposed boat trailer) equipped with some canoes and kayaks for public use as well as their ancillary gear like paddles and life vests. The boats and paddles will be locked with access only for those subscribed, but the PFDs are freely offered on loan.

Please return everything when you are finished with them so someone else can use them! That’s true of all the gear, but perhaps especially the unlocked life vests.

Visit Lewisburg Public Paddle to learn about

  • How it Works
  • How to Sign Up
  • What's Ahead

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Members of the community working together to preserve natural settings and streetscapes, strengthen ties among neighbors, and improve the quality of life in Lewisburg for residents and visitors.


Lewisburg Neighborhoods

P.O. Box 298

Lewisburg, PA 17837

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