Blog Archive

Ask a Neighbor — Cracking the Code of the Pedestrian Crossing Signals
What's the story with the pedestrian crossing lights on Market St?  How do they work anyway? This is something that baffles a lot of people.  Many neighborhood residents cross Market on foot multiple times of day.  Some have figured out the system of the lights through empirical observation.  But the Lewisburg Borough Traffic Advisory Committee also has the inside track on how they function.  While there's a lot of debate about how they ought to function, it's helpful to at least know how they are set right now. Let's start with some history.  At one time, there was a single…
Back To School Looks… Different
UPDATE (8/14): During school board meetings this week, both Mifflinburg Area School District and Lewisburg Area School District voted in favor of delaying their start dates until after Labor Day. The hope is this will provide time for the recent increase in cases to subside and offer conditions suitable for opening for face-to-face instruction. UPDATE (8/17): The Department of Education just announced that, based on the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, they would be bringing their mask guidelines in line with the Department of Health requirements. This is being spun as a confusing change in policy, when in…
Bait and Switch
Live Tiger, Free Pizza, Kids' Activities!  Saturday from 1 to 3pm in Hufnagle Park.  That's a great community benefit event being put on by a Bucknell Management 101 Company this semester.  Events like that are a great perk of living in the Lewisburg area, where we have students engaged in organizing activities and staffing them and organizations like T&D Cats to celebrate. Life in this area also comes with a different set of benefits (and responsibilities), like the imperative to do right by the river.  Sometimes, now, we are working on doing clean ups to be kind to the river…

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Members of the community working together to preserve natural settings and streetscapes, strengthen ties among neighbors, and improve the quality of life in Lewisburg for residents and visitors.


Lewisburg Neighborhoods

P.O. Box 298

Lewisburg, PA 17837

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