Neighborhood Support

Neighbors helping neighbors.

Hidden Lewisburg

Looking for an explorer's guide to Lewisburg? Check out the Hidden Lewisburg Walking Tour.

Bow of a kayak on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River

Lewisburg Public Paddle

Renew (or create) your connection to the Susquehanna River with gear you can borrow through Lewisburg Public Paddle.

two people on a bike/pedestrian path near Limestone (Bull) Run

Walk It! Bike It!

Making Lewisburg more walkable and bike-able.

Radio Free Lewisburg

Dispatches from rural Pennsylvania about life during the great pandemic of 2020-2022. Hosted by Julie Hagenbuch.

Lewisburg Poet Laureate

Lewisburg Neighborhoods, in collaboration with community partners, is seeking a Lewisburg Poet Laureate.

The Lewisburg Poet Laureate will be responsible for championing the art of poetry and the spoken word in Lewisburg. They will give public readings of their poetry, attend local literary and cultural events, and work to inspire the next generation of poets and readers. They will receive a stipend for this work.

Applications will be accepted from 9-22-23 to 10-22-23 for a two year appointment starting in January of 2024.

Hidden Lewisburg

A Small Town Frozen in Time or Are There Hints of Change?

Other tours give dates and styles (we have only a few Victorian buildings in reality); and they focus more on things that are lost (disappeared opera hall), invisible (100 year flood plain), or forgotten (infrastructure).

Information sources:

General Info

  • Generally about 250 years old (approximately a block per decade); began in late 1700s, settled before Revolution, platted after, served by canal; started Rail Road before Civil War, finished after; triumphant birdseye view portrait of new County Seat after about 100 years; but not yet a Market Street Bridge, first gas streetlights, but not yet 3-globe lights, no roads paved; 100 years after that, the E/W RR tracks removed.
  • Major floods in 1965, 1889, 1936, 1972… more frequent and recent minor floods as Lewisburg is surrounded by water on all sides; see floodplain overlay
  • Population: County less than 50k, school district under 20k, Borough just over 5k)
  • Backwater: 140 miles upstream from Chesapeake Bay, 60 miles from Harrisburg, 10 miles from Sunbury, 24 miles from Williamsport; construction is less solid than you may be used to from larger cities
  • Making a short walk long: the 1.5 mile walk will take over an hour

Lewisburg Poet Laureate

Lewisburg Neighborhoods, in collaboration with community partners, is seeking a Lewisburg Poet Laureate. The Lewisburg Poet Laureate will be responsible for championing the art of poetry and the spoken word in Lewisburg. They will give public readings of their poetry, attend local literary and cultural events, and work to inspire the next generation of poets and readers. The selected poet will receive a stipend for this work.

Lewisburg Neighborhoods logo

Members of the community working together to preserve natural settings and streetscapes, strengthen ties among neighbors, and improve the quality of life in Lewisburg for residents and visitors.


Lewisburg Neighborhoods

P.O. Box 298

Lewisburg, PA 17837

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