Preserving our historic charm while expanding housing supply.
Lewisburg Borough must balance the needs of preserving our charming historic neighborhoods with the goal of expanding housing stock that bolsters affordability and choice.
Affordable, available, livable housing units are key to a thriving, diverse community.
In 2022, Lewisburg Neighborhoods assembled a task force to both investigate the Lewisburg Borough housing market and make suggestions to increase in-fill development and affordability.
Explore the full summary of our findings: Comprehensive Housing Review: Availability, Affordability, and Blight Remediation (pdf)
To report a code violation, please contact James Emery at 1-877-457-9401 or
If the pests are only in one unit, then it is the responsibility of the tenant. If pests are in multiple units, then it is typically the responsibility of the landlord.
In a calendar year, the first code violation is a $25 ticket, the second violation is a $50, the third violation is $100, and the fourth and each successive violation is a $300 ticket.
The Historic District Act of 1961 authorized Pennsylvania counties, cities, boroughs, incorporated towns and townships to create historic districts and empowered Historical Architectural Review Boards to protect the distinctive historical character of these districts and to regulate the erection, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, demolition or razing of buildings within them.
The HARB covers ...
Some accommodation for economic or technical infeasibility.
Lewisburg Neighborhoods
P.O. Box 298
Lewisburg, PA 17837
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