Sponsor a Soaking for Walk It! Bike It!
  The Heart of Lewisburg Ice Festival is coming up in early February as usual -- specifically Feb 7 and 8.   And, as usual, the Polar Bear Plunge will raise funds for the Lewisburg Downtown Partnership.  All entry fees from the plungers go to the LDP and support our super downtown organization.  In addition, many […]


The Heart of Lewisburg Ice Festival is coming up in early February as usual -- specifically Feb 7 and 8.   And, as usual, the Polar Bear Plunge will raise funds for the Lewisburg Downtown Partnership.  All entry fees from the plungers go to the LDP and support our super downtown organization.  In addition, many plungers also raise funds for other causes at the same time, by getting sponsorships.  This year Walk It! Bike It! is again proposing to join in the frigid fun which takes place on Saturday, February 8, at 2pm, at the St George St boat ramp/Lewisburg Landing.

Volunteers from Walk It! Bike It! Lewisburg will be participating in the plunge in order to raise money for WIBI Events and Projects.  Last year's sacrificial cyclists, Brian Auman, Jordi Comas, and Sam Pearson, will reprise their roles and will be joined by some intrepid, pro-active transportation teens.  There will be 100+ total plungers and so far five of them will be ours.  Pledge now to see us shiver.  Others are welcome to participate in whatever way you see fit, either by signing up to take the plunge with us or by putting up money in support of both this foolhardy stunt and the cause of improving the experience of walking and biking in the Lewisburg area.

Photo by Dan Hyde

Recommended pledge levels are $10, $20 or $50 per plunger.  Or a flat rate.  Feel free to name a sum of your own.  You can register your support by emailing the amount you wish to pledge to active@LewisburgNeighborhoods.org, calling 570-523-0114, or texting 781-366-0726.  If you want to join in the cold, wet, muddy fun, you can leave a message to that effect as well.  You'll also need to sign up to participate through Bucknell here.

Payment commensurate with the amount of plunging should be received by the Saturday after the event.  Donations can be made by check made out to Lewisburg Neighborhoods with Plunge in the subject line and mailed to Lewisburg Neighborhoods, PO Box 298, Lewisburg, PA  17837.  You can make an appointment to drop off cash or checks at the LN office in the Borough Building.  Or PayPal is now an option, too.  Just use this paypal link -- ta da!  Or use the Donate button at the top of the page.

What events and projects are we going to be funding?  The short answer is River Road Holiday and a fall bike rodeo as well as River Town Team tree plantings and cleanups.  The long answer can be had on the priority list page found here.  

Thanks for your support and be sure to tell any friends who would like to see a bike enthusiast or several jump in a lake (or rather a cold, muddy river).  Help us put the fun in fundraising!


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Members of the community working together to preserve natural settings and streetscapes, strengthen ties among neighbors, and improve the quality of life in Lewisburg for residents and visitors.


Lewisburg Neighborhoods

P.O. Box 298

Lewisburg, PA 17837

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