This survey is being conducted to better understand Lewisburg residents’ perspectives on the Wolfe Field complex and ways in which it can be improved in future planning. Focus areas in this survey include neighborhood connectivity to Wolfe Field, recreation options and connection to community, potential for ecological restoration sites, and waste and reuse. Responses will be aggregated to understand common trends, challenges, and perspectives. Individual responses will be anonymous and individually identifying information will not be collected or shared. The data will be used for research reports, presentations, and other educational purposes as well as to inform recommendations for planning and priority actions for Lewisburg Neighborhoods. The survey is being conducted by an Integrated Perspectives class at Bucknell University in partnership with Lewisburg Neighborhoods. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. You may stop at any time. By completing this survey, you indicate that you have read the above description, agree to participate in the research, and are at least 18 years of age.
Fill out the survey here --> https://forms.gle/kBuF4prefagjvUgs9