Recent News

We're past #GivingTuesday and approaching the end of the year. Maybe in the chaos of this very different holiday season you haven't gotten around to some of your usual charitable donations. There are also unexpected $600 checks in the offing for many. What can you do with that right now that would have maximum productivity for our area? Below are some ideas and links for both giving and getting help. It has been a long year for everyone. The valley suffers from more than its fair share of economic hardship and the pandemic has sent people already in need into…
GOLDILOCKS EDITION Do you have friends who don't have a lot of patience for endless articles or blog posts about this damn pandemic? But are they even so starting to feel like they ought to be doing something about it? Want something short and to the point to share with them that hits the high points without getting bogged down? MAMA BEAR VERSION Give this a try: It's hard to hear that indoor gatherings are a problem as Christmas approaches. Everyone is frustrated, sad, and angry about everything the pandemic has done to us this year and this is just…
It is really helpful to have the Daily Item putting out its When COVID Hits Home series, with stories about the personal experiences of local families who have dealt with COVID in some way. It is so generous of people to come forward to talk. The stories give a window into the challenges of the pandemic and inspire compassion. Reading them also gives us an opportunity to learn from other people's experience and think through ways we can all try to handle things in future to further reduce risk of infection. The reality is that anyone can get infected and…
This is an all-hands-on-deck moment! Please start talking to your neighbors about public health. If you haven't already or if you've only been discussing it with some people, it's time to make a conscious effort to do some expanded personal outreach. Talk to your neighbors, your colleagues, your acquaintances, your work network, your kids' coaches and teachers, your kids' friends parents... This is also time to push the envelope a little bit when it comes to your own comfort. That doesn't mean you should put yourself in danger of COVID exposure, but you should also reach out to people who…
The current White House Coronavirus Task Force PA report (should be another one out today or tomorrow) points out that more than 2000 counties across the country are in COVID red zones with substantial transmission and a high risk of hospitals getting overwhelmed. To put that in perspective, there are only around 3,150 total counties, cities, parishes, and other jurisdictional entities that are not states in the entire country. So when they say "this current fall to winter surge continues to spread to every corner of the US, from small towns to large cities, from farms to beach communities," they…
Covid cases locally and nationally are at an inflection point.  Local public health messaging efforts to date have helped some, but they must reach further. And it really needs to happen fairly quickly.  How can we get over any existing hurdles and get this message across to more people in the area: we can either take charge and change the outcome of the current wave or we can suffer like the Dakotas?   The current emergency is post-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas, but after the 25th, then there's New Year's... Looking further ahead, there will be expanded testing options and eventually vaccination to…

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Members of the community working together to preserve natural settings and streetscapes, strengthen ties among neighbors, and improve the quality of life in Lewisburg for residents and visitors.


Lewisburg Neighborhoods

P.O. Box 298

Lewisburg, PA 17837

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